One of my favourite products! As I LOVE how the combination of TURMERIC and SAFFRON help improve Brain Awareness!

There is an increasing amount of evidence emerging that optimal mental health and emotional resilience can be achieved with physical activity, nourishing foods, social support, behaviour therapies, mindfulness and meditation.

As a Natural Health Practitioner we have unique herbal combinations that can provide additional support for patient’s brain health.

Turmeric and saffron have been shown to increase neurogenesis. Curcumin particularly has shown, in animal studies, to increase neurogenesis, potentially via modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production in the brain. The combination has been described as ‘fertiliser for the brain’.

To find out more about this product and additional stress less lifestyle activities please contact me.

Did You KNOW?🤔

High dose Vitamin C found to suppress tumour growth.

High doses of intravenous Vitamin C can help to significantly suppress the growth of cancerous tumours, according to a team of researchers from Poland and the U.S.

In a review published in the journal Molecules last month, lead author Blazej Rubis from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences claimed that data showed Vitamin C could be effective in prohibiting the growth of tumours in the pancreas, liver, prostate and ovaries and may also have benefit in the treatment of sarcoma and malignant mesothelioma.

“The addition of high doses of AA (ascorbic acid – Vitamin C) alone or in combination with standard cancer drugs significantly enhances suppression of tumour growth,” Rubis claims based on the findings of the review.

The method of administration was key to Vitamin C’s effectiveness according to the research team. Intravenous administration was found to deliver significantly better results than oral administration.

“When ascorbate (Vitamin C) is administered orally, only moderate increase in its plasma concentration is achieved. In contrast, when ascorbate is administered intravenously, concentrations in the millimolar levels are easily achieved although for a short period only,” the review states.

While the antioxidant-effects of Vitamin C were found to help in suppressing the growth of tumours, the review also found that the vitamin enhanced and promoted the effects of specific medications used to treat the tumours.

“…simultaneous administration of ascorbate (Vitamin C) with oxaliplatin or irinotecan (cancer drugs) inhibited tumour growth in vivo, and the effect was significantly higher compared to that of these compounds alone.”

The implications for future study into potential cancer treatment is promising as Vitamin C is well tolerated by almost all patients, even those with compromised immune systems.

The review was authored by scientists and researchers from The Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poznan University of Medical Sciences and Brown University in the U.S.

6 Ways to Disconnect from a Connected World!🧘‍♂️

Does this sound familiar – you’ve just found an awesome event while scrolling through Facebook, texting your friends, sharing your day on Instagram, checking your emails and binge watching your favourite new TV show?

We can’t refute it, digital technology and social media have firmly cemented their places in each of our modern lives.

But whilst all this connection has infinite information and entertainment just a Google away, we also can’t deny having such easy access to the digital world comes with its downsides.

When it comes to excessive digital technology and social media use, some of the associated side effects include:


  • In a survey of over 1000 students, 22% of teenagers were logging onto social media at least 10 times per day, which increased their susceptibility to depression.[1]
  • In adults, high exposure to social media also made individuals more prone to poor mood and depression, compared to than those with low exposure.[2]

In a survey of over 1000 students, 22% of teenagers were logging onto social media at least 10 times per day, which increased their susceptibility to depression.[1]

Sleep issues:

  • The frequent use of mobile phones has been associated with sleep disturbances,[3] especially pertinent for people who are exposed to TV, phone, tablet or computer screens in the hours close to bed time.

Impaired concentration:

  • “Media multitasking” is something many of us are guilty of, and is when you use multiple digital devices at the same time. This could look like checking Facebook and playing a game on your phone whilst watching TV, and has been linked with reduced concentration, focus and an inability to block out distractions.[4]

Reduced connection 

  • All this time plugged into technology can then lead to fewer interactions with the people around us. The leads to a reduction in social bonding, connection with community, and an overall sense of happiness and wellbeing.[5]

All this time plugged into technology can then lead to fewer interactions with the people around us. The leads to a reduction in social bonding, connection with community, and an overall sense of happiness and wellbeing.[5]

Whilst we can no longer deny the negative impacts digital devices are having on our overall health, you don’t have to go off the grid or back into the Stone Age.

Rather than having technology dictate your day, you can balance it with fun, socialising, connection, spending time in nature, and restorative rest by using the following six ways to disconnect:

  1. Start your morning media free. Set a time for when digital or social media use starts for the day, which may mean no phone, computer, TV or radio until you are on the train or bus, or when you arrive at work or school.
  2. Limit your screen time. There are multiple software options for phones and computers that you can use for this, which will block your access to designated websites or Apps after a certain amount of use or time of day. This is especially useful to engage 2 hours before your bedtime, to prevent the exposure to blue light disrupting your body clock.
  3. Utilise aeroplane mode. Turn on aeroplane mode before bed each night to ensure you aren’t disturbed by notifications or calls, allowing your body to enter a restful sleep. Additionally, think about using aeroplane mode when spending time with your loved ones so you can enjoy quality connection without distraction.
  4. Swap your screen time. What else will bring you joy, contentment and connection? Find a walking buddy, start a technology-free hobby or find a reading list to tackle.
  5. Set boundaries between work and play: This means no checking work emails or projects outside work hours or weekends, giving yourself vital time to unplug and your nervous system reset.
  6. Get involved in your local community. To bolster that in person social bonding, help out at a local soup kitchen, animal shelter or charity. Not only will it cut down on screen time, but you’ll also have fun and feel good whilst helping others.

Think about using aeroplane mode when spending time with your loved ones so you can enjoy quality connection without distraction.

Happiness, Focus and Connection Awaits

Could your digital media use be impacting your mood, sleep or overall wellbeing? Can you identify any ways you could reduce your use, starting with even 10 or 20 minutes? With any extra time you get back, you’ll instead be able to engage and be more present with your passions, hobbies, loved ones and wider community. Commit to implementing one of the tips above in the next week, and prepare to reap the benefits!

By Nicolla Callan

[1] Punamäki RL, Wallenius M, Nygård CH, Saarni L, Rimpelä A. Use of information and communication technology (ICT) and perceived health in adolescence: the role of sleeping habits and waking-time tiredness. J Adolesc. 2007 Aug;30(4):569-85. PMID: 16979753.

[2] Lin LY, Sidani JE, Shensa A, Radovic A, Miller E, Colditz JB, et al. Association between social media use and depression among US young adults. Depress anxiety. 2016 Apr;33(4):323-31. doi: 10.1002/da.22466

[3] O’Keeffe GS, Clarke-Pearson K; Council on Communications and Media. The impact of social media on children, adolescents, and families. Pediatrics. 2011 Apr;127(4):800-4. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-0054.

[4] Becker MW, Alzahabi R, Hopwood CJ. Media multitasking is associated with symptoms of depression and social anxiety. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2013 Feb;16(2):132-5. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2012.0291

[5] Lin LY, Sidani JE, Shensa A, Radovic A, Miller E, Colditz JB, et al. Association between social media use and depression among US young adults. Depress anxiety. 2016 Apr;33(4):323-31. doi: 10.1002/da.22466

Use your Natural Therapy Health funds this MARCH before you lose them FOREVER!🍃

Hi Everyone,

Please don’t forget that after March 31st 2019 (at this stage- fingers crossed all those signed petitions will make a difference), you’ll no longer be able to use your extra health funds to claim natural therapies that have helped you to get healthy and create long term wellness for decades.💚🤸‍♀️💚

So please start thinking of ways to use YOUR FUNDS FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE NEEDS before they expire FOREVER.

As a reminder, your health fund natural therapy extras can be used in my clinic for naturopath consultations including vega screening, cold laser therapy, laser acupuncture, nutrition counselling, allergy screening, weight management programs, homeopathy and practitioner only products. (note: Check your Health Fund guidelines.)👀

So now that your thinking about it and while there’s still some time to act, please contact me to make an appointment, as times are filling fast.

If you have any questions please let me know!

I’m always here to help.😁xo

9 Tips to Keep the Mind Sharp.🤸‍♀️😴🥦🙏

As we grow older, we may see changes in the ways our mind and memory continue to function. Certain cognitive processes may slow down, making it more challenging to learn new things or eliminate distractions that hinder our memory.1

Maybe you forgot the name of an acquaintance at dinner last week—or you just can’t remember where you put your keys. Situations like this can certainly be frustrating, but fortunately, there are a number of habits and exercises you can practice to help maintain your brain function.

Here are nine tips to help keep the mind sharp:

  1. Engage multiple senses.

Research reveals that the more senses you engage, the more active your brain.1 One study had adults examine a series of neutral images, each one paired with a smell.2 Later these adults were asked to look at different images (without the scent-associated pairing), and then indicate—out of all the images—which ones they’d seen before. Researchers found that participants had a better recall for the pictures that featured smells and that the brain was more active when they looked at those pictures.

So to stimulate your mind, make a point of engaging multiple senses at the same time. Sign up for a pottery class, cook aromatic foods, or take a warm bath with essential oils.

  1. Aim to get enough sleep.

If you don’t get much rest, you’ll find that even simple tasks like running errands or cooking a meal take more effort than they should. Not getting enough sleep is also linked to focus issues and short-term memory problems.3

Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.3 And if you’re looking for strategies that promote a full night’s sleep, check out our blog post on the subject.

  1. Make exercise a top priority.

Working the skeletal muscles can also help to work the mind.4 Exercise not only helps stimulate and strengthen the connections between the synapses, or brain cells, but it also promotes the development of new nerve cells. This makes the brain more efficient and adaptive.4

And research has shown that the benefits of exercise are linked to more than just the brain. Physical activity reduces blood pressure, stabilizes cholesterol levels, and lessens mental stress.5 Both resistance training and cardio offer a number of benefits.

  1. Consume a healthy diet.

Surely, you’ve heard the term “brain food.” Good nutrition promotes both a healthy body and a strong mind. For instance, research indicates that people who consume a Mediterranean diet of fish, unsaturated oils, produce, nuts, and other plant-based proteins are less likely to experience cognitive issues or develop dementia.4

If you’re looking to revamp your diet but don’t know how to navigate your options, this post highlights the differences between the ever-popular ketogenic, Atkins®, Paleolithic, and Whole30® diets. We’ve also showcased the link between omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil and cognitive health.

  1. Enjoy a meaningful social life.

Cultivating friendships and simply getting to know new people can enhance the brain’s executive function, which includes our short-term memory and our ability to screen distractions.3 Even short conversations can help to sharpen the mind.3

And that’s not all: A fulfilling social network is also linked to lower blood pressure and a longer life expectancy.4 It all boils down to developing and preserving both our neurological and our social connections.

  1. Reset with yoga or meditation.

In addition to relaxation, yoga and meditation are known to improve cognitive performance.6 By paying close attention to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations you experience, you can leverage multiple sensations at once, manage stimuli, and ultimately work your brain.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of yoga, look no further than this post. Meanwhile, here are some meditation tips for beginners.

  1. Quit smoking—and steer clear of secondhand smoke.

Did you know that smoking is linked to a thinner cerebral cortex and mental decline?7 A number of chemicals in cigarettes have negative effects on the brain, and secondhand smoke has similar drawbacks.7

If you don’t smoke but spend a significant amount of time around friends or family who do, gently explain the risks and encourage them to quit.

  1. Get organized.

Rather than wasting precious mental energy trying to remember things you can simply add to your calendar or grocery list, take advantage of a planner or any other organizational tool you’ve been meaning to use. This could help to increase your focus.1

Similarly, think about removing clutter from your home and office to reduce distractions. Keeping key items like keys, glasses, and your gym bag in the same place can help to reduce the need to remember where you left these things.

  1. Manage stress.

People who are depressed, stressed, or anxious generally score lower on cognitive tests.4 While this doesn’t necessarily point to cognitive decline, stress management tools like a healthy diet, exercise, and adequate sleep—tools we’ve discussed at length in this post—can keep your stress in check.

If you’re stressed and looking for strategies that promote good mental health, read this post. Don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare practitioner for help if needed.


  1. Harvard Medical School Staff. 7 ways to keep your memory sharp at any age. Harvard Health Publishing, HEALTHbeat. Accessed January 22, 2019.
  2. Keller A. Odor memories: the first sniff counts. Current Biology. 2009;19:21.
  3. WebMD staff. Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp. WebMD. 2017. Accessed January 22, 2019.
  4. Harvard Medical School Staff. 12 ways to keep your brain young. 2006, updated 2018. Harvard Health Publishing. Accessed January 22, 2019.
  5. American Heart Association Staff. Stress and Heart Health. 2014. American Heart Association. Accessed January 22, 2019.
  6. Gothe NP et al. Differences in Brain Structure and Function Among Yoga Practitioners and Controls. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience. 2018;12:26.
  7. Preidt R. Smoking Linked to Damage in the Brain. WebMD, HealthDay. 2015. Accessed January 22, 2019.