Have you ever wondered how toxins could disrupt female hormones?🤯

Bisphenol A (BPA) that can be leached from plastic water bottles, as well as other toxins such as phthalates (commonly found in plastics) and pesticides, are being increasingly linked with some health conditions, including those affecting female health.
This review article summarises the associations and mechanisms of HOW common toxins may drive female hormone conditions such premature ovarian insufficiency and early menopause.
What ways are you reducing plastic from your life?🤗🍼💧

Post below.

Super Excited!💫🤗💫

To see concepts from the Metagenics seminar on ‘The Real Cause of Obesity: Resetting Neurobiology for Lasting Weight Loss’ on the Sunrise program yesterday morning!🥗🤸‍♀️🙏

If weight loss is on your to do list for 2019 please contact me.😊

YOU ONLY GET ONE BODY! And YOU need to look after it!🍃🤗🍃


Every year, I like to get by my body set for a fabulous year ahead after indulging over the Xmas break.

A simple two week summer reset can help you get back on track and FEELING ENERGISED before you head off to work.

The secret to an effective detox is to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

Effectively, a protein rich smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a quick healthy meal for dinner. It’s important to keep to the crucial detox rules which are no coffee, no alcohol, no refined sugar, no gluten and no processed food. I guarantee you’ll feel so amazing after the two weeks that it will become a regular part of your wellness routine.

An example of my day.

I start every morning with a tall glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon to alkalise my body and help flush out excess toxins after sleep. also add extra Metagenics supplements (contact me for more information on these practitioner only products) for a boost of immune support  to nourish my immune system and adrenals.

I enjoy a protein-rich, low-sugar smoothie Metagenics Thermophase Detox as it’s filled with all the essential amino acids PLUS Metagenics GTox Express you need to boost metabolism, stabilise blood sugar and reduce cravings throughout the day.

When I get to work I’ll also make a cup of antioxidant-rich Matcha Green Tea or other digestive herbal teas. As Matcha helps to boost my metabolism and infuses my body with antioxidants and stimulating my digestion make me feel AWESOME.

For lunch I love a simple and nourishing Detox Salad (receipes available upon request) as it’s rich in restorative minerals such as iodine, selenium, magnesium and calcium to support a healthy thyroid and metabolism.

Homemade Hommus with carrot or celery sticks that are rich in
antioxidants and protein or a small handful of mixed nuts.

For dinner, I love my Sauteed Thai Lime Chicken with Sesame or Quinoa and Beetroot Frittata as they are high in protein and antioxidants that are essential for nourishing my cells, boosting skin health and supporting my thyroid.

I love to have something warm and nourishing before I go to bed to help calm my nervous system and get me ready for bed, such as Turmeric Almond Milk Latte or Chamomille tea  for a boost of antioxidants.


For more information to find out if this Express Detox Program (practitioner only) is right for you please contact me. 🙂

Today is officially my last day of work for 2018!🎄

What an amazing year it has been!🤗

Once again, ‘Thank you’ all for allowing me to help you achieve your health and wellness goals this year.🌸

I hope you have the opportunity to let your hair down and celebrate a peaceful holiday break with those you love.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the new year on January 8th.😍

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and harmonious Christmas and New Year.🎄💫

Natalie 🎅xo

🎄☃️ 15 Helpful tips to help you survive Christmas! ☃️🎄

While making healthy choices during the festive season can be challenging, arm yourself with these tips to feel healthy and keep holiday weight gain at bay.

Did you know that the average weight gained during the holidays is 0.37 kg for a lean person, and greater than 2.3 kg for an overweight individual?[1] While this may not seem like a lot, people rarely lose this weight the following year,[2] so in just 5 years a person could gain 2 to 12 kg just by overindulging at the holidays!

Start With Your Mindset

1. Make a goal to work toward. Whether you want to lose or maintain your weight, or just feel healthy and vital throughout the holidays, keeping your eyes on the prize will inspire healthy choices. Need help with your goal? Keep your eyes peeled for a blog on creating specific and achievable health goals coming next week!

2. Take the focus off the food. The holidays are ultimately about spending quality time with family and friends. Make people your focus by starting up conversations at holiday events, helping the host, and even approaching lonely-looking guests for a chat.

Prepare For Events

3. Go in with a plan. Decide how much you’re going to eat ahead of time (for example, one plate of food and one dessert). Stick to the plan.

4. Bring a healthy plate. Contributing something wholesome to the spread will give you and other guests a healthy choice.

5. Don’t fast. Don’t try to ‘save’ your calories for the event by not eating during the day; being hungry may trigger overeating. Instead, eating a healthy snack just before the event may help you moderate your intake.

Be Smart at Parties

6. Keep it in proportion. Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with grains, bread or potatoes, and a quarter with meat or other protein sources (e.g. beans, nuts). This will give you a balanced meal that is likely to be lower in calories.

7. Step away from the buffet. Standing at the buffet table may inspire overeating. Instead, serve yourself and walk away.

8. Slow down. Taking the time to chew each mouthful properly will allow you to both savour and properly digest your food. Doing this helps prevent both overeating and indigestion. Try putting your fork down between each bite to with assist this. Keep in mind, it can take as long as 20 minutes for the body to register that you’re full, so take a break before you go in for seconds.

9. Choose deliciously. Choose only the dessert(s) that really appeal to you; leave everything you’re not crazy about.

Avoid Binge Drinking

10. Keep it under four. According to the NHMRC Australian Alcohol Guidelines, drinking more than four standard drinks per night is classified as binge drinking;[3] that equals two restaurant servings of wine, or two and a half full-strength cans of beer. Avoiding binge drinking helps prevent hangovers, nausea and vomiting, as well overeating calorie dense junk foods (that seem like a great idea in the moment, or feel necessary the morning after).

11. Alternate with water. A glass of water between each drink helps keep you hydrated, reducing the risk of a hangover. This also slows your alcohol intake, giving your liver more time to process it.

12. Eat before you start. A starchy meal slows the absorption of alcohol, helping your liver cope.

Stay Active

13. Exercise in the morning. Get a session in before things like Christmas shopping and events take over your day!

14. Schedule it in. Booking in your workouts as unbreakable dates will help you stick to them. Add them into your calendar and set reminders for yourself.

15. Have an active Christmas. Incorporate some exercise into your family Christmas ‘do’, whether that’s backyard cricket, footy, or a family walk.

By using the tips above you can look forward to a festive season feeling healthy and vital, and most importantly, preventing dreaded weight gain! For tailored assistance with weight loss or maintenance over this festive season talk to me today.


[1] Roberts SB. Holiday weight gain: fact or fiction?. Nutr Rev. 2000 Dec 1;58(12):378-9.

[2] Roberts SB. Holiday weight gain: fact or fiction?. Nutr Rev. 2000 Dec 1;58(12):378-9

[3] National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol. Working to build a healthy Australia. 2009.