Allergy Season has officially begun.🤧

Did someone say, allergy season? Most of us normally look forward to the arrival of Spring with the warmer weather, green leaves and fresh blossoms unless you suffer from allergies! 🤧
One of the biggest spring allergy triggers is pollen. Trees, grasses and weeds release these tiny grains into the air to fertilise other plants.🌲
Unfortunately, for some, it triggers discomfort with a scratchy throat, itchy eyes and stuffy nose as they experience an allergic reaction.

People with pollen allergies – their immune system mistakenly identifies pollen as an intruder, therefore it mounts an inappropriate response to the harmless substance and has become hyper-reactive. This causes specialised immune cells, known as mast cells, to migrate to your nose and throat, where they release histamine. This chemical triggers an explosion of inflammation, which forces foreign particles out of your body. It is the swelling and irritation that inflammation causes which leads to the miserable symptoms of hay fever.😥

If you want to learn more about how I can HELP YOU avoid sneezing your way into the change of season please review post –

If you have any questions, please let me know. xo


Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts, triggering inflammation and producing allergic symptoms which range from hay fever, digestive discomfort, eczema and asthma, to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

When it comes allergies, most of us reach for the quick-fix medications to provide symptomatic relief (such as antihistamines), however, targeting the underlining drivers of allergy (particularly your gut health and function) can provide long-term benefits to increase your tolerance to allergic triggers. Supporting good digestive system function can address some of the underlying factors that cause your immune system to be over-reactive.

So if your nose does more running during the day than what you do, check out our blog post on allergies here –🌻

If you have any questions about how I can tailor a specific program to help YOU gain control of YOUR ALLERGIES, please contact me. xo