Are U Ok?🤔

Check on your “brave” friends.
Check on your “happy “friends.
Check on your “yeah, I’m okay” friends. A little can sometimes go a long way. Even though we can’t hug each other right now, there are other ways to show your support 💖 #ruok

Love Licorice?😅

If so, you might appreciate this research. In a PTSD animal model, glycyrrhizin treatment was found to significantly reduce anxiety, facilitate fear extinction, and restore diurnal serotonin circadian rhythm. The authors conclude, ‘Our study not only helps to understand the role of neurotransmitters in the development of PTSD but also provides an effective therapeutic target for the treatment of PTSD‐associated fear memory disorders.’

Full text available here:

Did you know, that the larger your plate size is the more FODMAPs you will naturally eat?🤔

Plus current day dinner plate sizes are HUGE and often don’t encourage us to stick to healthy eating guidelines.

If you struggle with your portion sizes then choose a small dinner plate then fill with a palm-sized piece of protein, 1/2 plate of veggies (choose 3 low FODMAP options) and a 1/4 plate of starchy carbohydrates (think potato, gluten-free pasta, low FODMAP bread or rice).

Check out the link for info and tips on how to create FODMAP ideas when you are putting together your meal. 👇

Next week is Women’s Health Week from 7-11 September!🥑🥕🍅🍎🍉🥝.

More than ever, this Women’s Health Week is a timely reminder that we need to take time out to check in on our health. 🤗🌻
We encourage you to join in and sign up at to be part of the week and receive FREE podcasts, quizzes, videos, recipes and practical articles on a range of health topics such as mental and emotional wellbeing, and more!
Head to find out how to stay healthy!❤️💊😊

Eczema is more than just inflammation of the skin, in fact – our immune cells are responsible for producing redness, heat and swelling (inflammation), as a way of protecting you.🤯

However, with eczema, your immune system has become highly sensitive and over-reactive to even the slightest exposures.🌬❄

What causes your immune system to be over-reactive in the first place? Read our latest blog article “Eczema – What To Do When You Need Relief” to find out more!


Eczema is a common condition this time of year, the cold and windy weather can make our skin dry up, leaving it feeling dry and cracked. However, it’s not just environmental triggers that can set off eczema. It can also flare up in response to stress, immune system dysfunction, and even when certain materials are worn next to the skin (such as synthetic fabrics).

If you aren’t sure what sparks your eczema outbreaks, here’s a look at just some of the triggers of eczema;

🧼Irritants such as soaps or detergents, including shampoo, washing-up liquid or even some moisturisers.
❄️Environmental factors such as cold and dry weather, or even more specific things like house dust mites, pet fur and pollen.
🥜Food allergens such as allergies to dairy, eggs, nuts or wheat.
🤰Hormonal changes can also affect your eczema flare-ups, some woman may find their eczema gets worse in the days before their period or during pregnancy.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Even genetics can play a part, with research showing children who have 1 or both parents with atopic eczema, or who have other siblings with eczema, are more likely to develop it themselves.

Looking at the list of eczema triggers, it doesn’t have to be a long road of a ‘process of elimination’ to find the cause. Working with me can provide you with treatments that help to look at the underlining causes, to improve gut health, regulate your immune system and reduce your reactivity.🌿