How is your sleep? Are you feeling well-rested when you wake in the morning? If not… you would benefit from some support.😴

Insomnia is so common people don’t realise it is an important sign that your body is out of balance.

🌖Sleep is important for healing, rejuvenating, and detoxifying your body. Without DEEP sleep you have a higher risk of putting on weight, developing anxiety or depression, high blood pressure or a poor immune system.

Feeling tired but wired at night and putting off sleep onset is a sign of adrenal fatigue! You are too tired to sleep 🤯

When you are too tired you fail to get into the deep healing sleep your body needs to heal.

💙Nutrient support and Herbal medicine can make a big difference in encouraging healthy sleep cycles in adults and children.

nutrition #sleep #insomnia #circadianrhythm

energy #vitality #adrenalfatigue #detox #anxiety #depression #mthfr #methylation #hormonebalance #guthealth #perimenopause #menopause #cortisol #healthcheck

Were ALL different! Helping YOU to find the root cause of YOUR problem.🌸

No one diet or supplement works for everybody.🍎

How can I help?

👩‍💻This involves taking a thorough case history, identifying your frustrating symptoms and ordering functional testing when necessary.

👩‍💻Coaching you through your new nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to help you put them into practice.

So you can understand how your body works.🌿

DM me to find out how we can work together to help you feel healthier, more energised and feeling alive again.🙌

Have YOU experienced any of these symptoms after eating certain foods?🤔

Food intolerances or non-allergic food hypersensitivity refers to difficulty digesting certain foods. Typical symptoms can appear anywhere between a few hours to 48 hours after eating food.

This is different from a food allergy which is an immune reaction to specific foods and is a serious condition.

Food intolerances can take longer to appear, unlike allergies.

Causes of food intolerance can be due to certain enzymes, certain chemicals in foods, salicylates and histamines.

The most common types are lactose, wheat, gluten, caffeine, histamine, artificial colours additives, sweeteners and flavourings, FODMAPS and sulphites.

To find out more about how YOU can gain control of your food intolerances please contact me.

Look after yourself!💞

Self-care is not selfish. This is so important to understand. Being your own best friend and being kind to yourself is vital. Sometimes this might be taking it easy for a day or more, letting something go that’s not working for you or leaning in and focusing on your health and what your body needs for your nutrition. Self-care is something that is so often lost in the rush of life today.💚

The gift of health to yourself is priceless!🌿😇

So #takeabreath #bekind and start real #selfcare for you.


Does This Sound Like YOU?😉😂

Hormones have a profound effect on our mental, physical and emotional health! 🤪

Many people have symptoms that ultimately reflect a hormonal imbalance. Our modern fast-paced lifestyle means we have less time and reserves to recuperate, whilst simultaneously being exposed to an unprecedented array of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Many people spend years struggling with symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, low energy, concentration problems, low libido, low mood, insulin resistance, breast tenderness, painful or heavy or irregular periods and many others related to hormonal imbalance. Treating the symptoms won’t fix the core issue, but looking at your hormones can.

If you would like more information hormone balancing, please contact me. 🌿xo