Would YOU like a better nights sleep?💤

Sleep is essential for optimum health! 🙌

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, waking up through the night, having a night of restless sleep, getting up to go to the toilet, suffer from insomnia or having night sweats, these are all signs that your body is telling you that your health needs more support.😴

We are not meant to be more awake at night! 🌃

Our bodies have their own circadian clock. This means you should go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Don’t except quality sleep if your timing fluctuates on a day to basis. Having a nighttime routine really helps. Saying you have ‘always been that way’ doesn’t mean its healthy! It means that your body chemistry needs balancing. 🤷‍♀️
1/3 of our GENES run on a clock and 90% of other genes are related to those so our body follows a Circadian Rhythm. 🌒

If you suffer from anxiety or have trouble switching off your brain at night then your body is in a constant revved upstate. High levels of stress hormones produced throughout the day can impair your circadian rhythm from cycling properly, resulting in melatonin production being affected come night time.

People with hormone imbalance like PCOS and menopause often have a disrupted circadian rhythm, this means that they wake at night and feel groggy in the morning. It’s like having continuous jet lag. Hormones influence our sleep. 🌜

Ditch the caffeine! Try it for a month and see it if helps!! This includes coffee, green tea and black tea. Even though you may think that your morning cuppa is not affecting your sleep.☕

Also to improve the quality of your sleep, avoid blue screens before bed, keep a notepad by the bed to take note of the million tasks you have to do, reduce fluid intake and all refined sugars and carbs before bed.🍬

If you are suffering from sleep problems then please contact me to make an appointment. I can help show you how to put a Sleep Plan in place to help you. Education and understanding your own unique pathways is vital to improving your health and wellbeing. 🙌

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, waking up through the night, having a night of restless sleep, getting up to go to the toilet, suffer from insomnia or having night sweats, these are all signs that your body is telling you that your health needs more support.😴

We are not meant to be more awake at night! 🌃 Our bodies have their own circadian clock. This means you should go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Don’t except quality sleep if your timing fluctuates on a day to basis. Having a nighttime routine really helps. Saying you have ‘always been that way’ doesn’t mean its healthy! It means that your body chemistry needs balancing. 🤷‍♀️
1/3 of our GENES run on a clock and 90% of other genes are related to those so our body follows a Circadian Rhythm. 🌒

If you suffer from anxiety or have trouble switching off your brain at night then your body is in a constant revved upstate. High levels of stress hormones produced throughout the day can impair your circadian rhythm from cycling properly, resulting in melatonin production being affected come night time.

People with hormone imbalance like PCOS and menopause often have a disrupted circadian rhythm, this means that they wake at night and feel groggy in the morning. It’s like having continuous jet lag. Hormones influence our sleep. 🌜

Ditch the caffeine! Try it for a month and see it if helps!! This includes coffee, green tea and black tea. Even though you may think that your morning cuppa is not affecting your sleep.☕

Also to improve the quality of your sleep, avoid blue screens before bed, keep a notepad by the bed to take note of the million tasks you have to do, reduce fluid intake and all refined sugars and carbs before bed.🍬

If you are suffering from sleep problems then please contact me to make an appointment. I can help show you how to put a Sleep Plan in place to help you. Education and understanding your own unique pathways is vital to improving your health and wellbeing. 🙌