Looking for a YUMMY Christmas treat to MAKE in this hot weather…then try this!🍨

Pomegranate & Pistachio Coconut N’ice-Cream.

Image from https://recipesfromapantry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/pomegranate-and-pistachio-yogurt-bark-16.jpg


½ cup of coconut sugar

400ml organic full fat coconut milk

400ml organic full fat coconut cream

3 egg yolks, whisked

Seeds from 1 vanilla bean

A pinch of Himalayan salt

1 cup pistachios, shelled, toasted & roughly chopped + extra to top

½ cup pomegranate seeds + extra to top


  1. Heat sugar, coconut milk & cream, egg yolks & vanilla seeds on a low heat, stirring continuously until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat, allow the mixture to cool before tipping it into a small non-stick loaf tin & place in the freezer.
  2. After the mixture has been in the freezer for 2 hours, stir in the pistachios & pomegranate seeds. Stir the mixture hourly for 3-4 hours to prevent crystallisation & for a smooth, creamy finish. Freeze overnight.
  3. Take out of the freezer 10 minutes before serving. Scoop into individual serves or tip it all onto a serving board & top with reserved pomegranate seeds & pistachio nuts. (If you are feeling a little naughty, drizzle with a little pomegranate molasses).