Artwork depicting the way bacterial proteins mimic gluten proteins, causing an immune response to celiac disease. Credit: Artist in residence Erica Tandori, from the Rossjohn laboratory at Monash University

People with coeliac disease cannot tolerate gluten, the protein found in wheat, and their immune system wrongly identifies it as a threat, making them sick.🥯🤢

Australian scientists have recently isolated immune cell receptors of coeliac patients and discovered that these receptors can recognise protein fragments from certain bacteria and commit this information to ‘memory’ in case it invades the body again. What makes this interesting is that the bacterial fragments mimic the protein fragments in gluten.

The presence of this BACTERIA may contribute to persisting symptoms despite the removal of gluten from diet.😖

Probiotics and high fibre foods have been posited as important treatment options for coeliac disease.🥝🥦

TO FIND OUT IF YOU ONE of the half of all Australians are who are born with one of two genes that cause coeliac disease, please contact me to discuss how undertake a simple DNA test.🤗

For more information on study click on links below.

